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A Free Webinar on How to Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur.

Pleas Click here for the Ms. Wheelchair USA Sponosorship Opportunities

Hi!  I am reaching to you as this year’s Ms. Wheelchair California USA title holder. The Ms. Wheelchair USA competition is one of two pageants specifically designed for women with mobility impairments and/or aids. A significant aspect of this particular competition resides in our advocacy and implementation of our respective platforms.  


For me, my title closely aligns with my newly formed non-profit company, RareABILITY. I am using this platform to create and implement awareness programs highlighting ways in which we can create more inclusive activities through the reduction of barriers. For I believe each of us should feel empowered to create meaningful and inspiring lives.  As one who battles an array of invisible and visible disABILITIES, I fully believe it is essential that we help to normalize the experiences of those in the disABILITY communities.  We are creating interactive programs for people of all ages, from the classroom to the boardroom. 


Today, I am reaching out to you in hopes you may have an event/s in which I can participate in, be it virtual or in person. I have redefined what success means within light of my personal limitations as my norm is ever changing as I battle challenges created by several immunosuppressive disorders, chronic illnesses and neurological disorders. My path continuously changes as I encounter an array of obstacles, yet one thing remains steadfast. That is my dedication to be of service to our communities, a strong patient advocate, educator, wife and mother. 


It is my hope that I can help raise awareness while normalizing the challenges so many of us face with both visible and/or invisible disabilities. I greatly appreciate any suggestions you may have to help me share my uplifting message of empowerment throughout the State of California.





I respectfully ask for speaking opportunities to share my message of love, empowerment and positive mindset.  As my message applies to people of all ages and all abilities.


In addition, I am gratefully appreciative for collaborative sponsorship opportunities to help cover, at least in part, my expenses throughout this year and the national Ms. Wheelchair USA competition in July. As well as to support our fundraising endeavors for The Dane Foundation, the parent organization for the Ms. Wheelchair USA competition. The Dane Foundation serves families with children with developmental disABILITIES. With special emphasis during the holiday season with their service project, Project Elf.


Please feel free to reach out to me at or via phone at (619) 254-0189 to discuss future collaborative endeavors as well as sponsorship opportunities. I invite those wishing to  financially support me along my journey this year and at the Ms. Wheelchair USA, competition to visit  I Support Deborah Vick, Ms. Wheelchair California USA, a paypal account created by the Ms. Wheelchair USA foundation to support the state and regional competitors.

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